What's YOUR vision? Understand that when you have a particular goal or vision in life that you are trying to achieve and you get yourself all excited and ready to tell the world about it, especially your close friends and family, don't be naive to think that everyone will comprehend or share your same vision. Never get stuck in a place where you find yourself trying to convince them of your vision. While they are busy being an undercover hater or faith lacking individual, DO YOU BOO and let God handle the rest.
This jacket was a find at the thrift store. I saw it and immediately knew what I wanted to wear it with. A friend that was shopping with me hated it and suggested I put it back. I saw the vision, but she didn't. What do you think?
Love it!! We so need to go to the thrift store together. Educate me on the best ones. Have not found one since I left Ttown. #lovevintage
I saw the vision!!! I've just come to see that stepping outside the box is not for everyone. Ine of the main reasons I blog is because I'm surrounded by others who understand me! Great find hun! I love it!
E. Louise
Thanks you guys! Quitta, girl you are more than welcome to join me when I go! Im planning a trip sometime in January but will let everybody know once it is finallized. Will be traveling to the ATL.
E. Louise, you are so right. Keep GOd first and keep doing you.
Love you guys! Stay blessed!
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