2012 is quickly approaching and this is normally the time everyone decides what their New Years resolution will be. When making those resolutions, consider the following things:
- What ever your vision for 2012 is, write it down and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2). My pastor, PMJ, has put up iBelieve posters around the front of the church where members are able to write what they are believing God for in the year 2012. This is only one of his many great ideas that I absolutely love.
- Know that the more you are believing God for, the more the enemy will do what he can to stop you. He will put something in your path to make you want to give up. So to defeat the enemy and make a liar out of him, you have to become more and rely on strength, wisdom, and power from God to keep pressing forward. If you want more,you have to become more.
- Be realistic.Some people be praying for stuff they know will never be theirs. Don't make the misstake of praying for something someone else has. You don't know what hell that person went through to get it. God knows what you are qualified for and he will never give you anything you can't handle (PMJ be on it!).
- Don't let your past failures limit what you are believing God for. "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.' Romans 8:18If there is something you have been waiting on God for that has not yet come to past, keep PUSHING! People say the essence of stupidity is doing the same thing expecting different results. Well! I'd rather you think Im stupid than me miss a blessing because of listening to simple minded people. "For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3.
- What ever your resolution is, stay focused! Do not procrasinate. Do not get distracted. Be like a horse with blinders on.
Check out today's thrift pick.
Hair by April; Make-up and Wardrobe by Jamie
Awesome post Jamie! And just what I needed this morning! I am loving how u tie it all together!
Thanks ms lady!! Glad it spoke to someone!!!
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