Every time you make a declaration, the devil makes a defense -PMJ
At the beginning of the year, many of us made a vow to either change something or had a mind set to get something accomplished. We had a goal to accomplish for 2012. Now that we are half way into 2012, many of us have encountered obstacle after obstacle after obstacle.
Once the enemy realized, wait, you have finally found your gift, or you have finally realized what to do to get to God’s promises, I need to reconfigure my game plan. It’s okay, you tried last year to start a business but couldn’t come up with the appropriate cash flow because you spent your money on the material things that gave you temporary satisfaction. You tried last year to be celibate, but all I had to do was tap into your weakness, give you few a drinks, put slow music on and catch you at that midnight hour. You tried last year to leave your ex in your past, but all I had to do was catch you at your most vulnerable moment when you start to feel lonely. You tried last year to finally get yourself together and do things the right way in a relationship, but all I had to was throw in a few hardships to make you and your significant other turn against each other. You tried last year to get a good job, but all I had to do was harden the hearts of a few interviewers and you became un-encouraged. So I’m not worried, I know your weaknesses. You won’t make it.
From dealing with family issues, job issues, career moves, to figuring out which of my friends are truly there for me and who isn’t and trying to maintain my spiritual walk, it has been a struggle. It’s funny, because everything I have gone through thus far, I heard God voice in the midst of it all, but I had to tune out of all of the negativity around me to hear him.
But the devil is a lie! What the devil don’t understand is that yes, you had me last year, but tricks are for kids. I am a more mature woman of God now. So the tricks you had last year, won’t work this time. You gotta come stronger, but know, no matter how strong you come, I know a God that is even stronger than anything you put in my way. Come hell or high water, we will make it. We can’t turn back to the way things were last year. Every obstacle placed in your way, build from it! Sometimes God will allow hell to breakthrough in your life to bring you closer to him and to your purpose.
Stay encouraged <3 ‘s!
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