Do you ever get so full at times and all you can do is scrunch down with your knees bent, hands together beneath your stomach, eyes closed, and just scream out JESUS at the top of your lungs? Back in the day when I was younger, when grandma had nothing else to say, she would just scream Jesus. I would look at her like what is wrong with this woman and why is she hollering?
See grandma knew that at the name of Jesus, every knee had to bow. And now I understand. Things going on in my life warranted me to give up the fight and to say to heck with it. The enemy was trying to trick me into believing that I’m not worthy of anything beyond the stress I had been experiencing. But I learned that just by calling Jesus name, the giants in my life had nothing to do but fall.
Never allow what you going through in life to take you out of the presence of God. For it’s in his presence where you will find peace, joy, happiness, love, assurance, comfort, answers, and more. The first step is just simply to call his name, but after you call his name, have faith that he will deliver.
Photographer: Tez Davenport
Model: Essence
MUA: Julie Causey
Wardrobe: Jamie Boggs/TrendiConfessions
Hair: April Brown
I love,love this!!
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