Saturday, March 10, 2012

Confession #39 Something New Something Different

Is there something in life you want to do and just can't quite seem to get it done or it seem so far fetched?
If what you have been doing is not working or if you see what momma/daddy did while growing up didn't work, 

In order to have better, you have to do better. In order to get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. 

Once I realized what I wanted to do career wise, I began to put a plan together. Few months later, I was proud of how far I had come but felt my ultimate goal was still so far fetched. Talked to a few friends about it and what should I do. Their advice was to just continue doing what im doing now and  wait for the other half. Of course I do not want to rush and do things, especially out of God's timing, but something in me was saying otherwise. So I reconfigured my plan, made a few more steps, and now I feel more confident and more closer than what I was before. What does this have to do with anything? Never have I been so determined and so self motivated to do something. I used to always worry about doing something wrong and making a mistake or others not appreciating what I do and doing what was pleasing to those around me because I valued their judgement. For the first time, Im doing whats pleasing to me. Everybody may not agree with my decisions, everyone may not comprehend it, but it's not for everybody that Im doing this.  

"Dreams don't work unless you do"

Check out one of my newest models! This was her first time with make-up and pictures and she did awesome!


Model: Bridni Hunter
Photographer: Tez Davenport
Stylist and Makeup: Jamie Boggs
Hair: Jevashia Williams



fruitypebbles said...

Hot stuff!

E. Louise said...

Super cute!!

As far as not wanting to mess up, I have that same issue!!!! I so understand that!

E. Louise

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