Monday, December 12, 2011

Confession #21 This Joy that I have...

It's funny how the people who know the least about you, go out their way to judge you. It's also funny how the people that know the most about you, go out their way to remind you of who you USED to be. In either case, God is the creator and ruler over all things. It is he that I will face on judgement day. The bible says, In the beginning GOD created heaven and earth. Not your haters, not your pastor, not your boss, and not your family, but GOD.

There isn't anything FOLK can do to stop what GOD has planned for you. Don't believe me? Read about the Isralites and how Moab wanted them cursed in Numbers. Great story!

When you walk, let your light shine! Don't allow others opinions of you overshadow what God has called you to be.

Meet Hannah Montanna! No, for real, its just Hannah. Her spirit is so contagious and I love her! You can never tell what she is going through because she is literally always smiling and I love it!

Scroll below to see how she rocks this FABULOUS thrift pick! She looks absolutely amazing!!!

Hair by April, Make up by Jamie

Yes! Its Ball time! Let the thrift store be a stop when shopping for ball gowns because you never know what you will find!


Quick said...

I see you Hannah! Awesome post Jamie. Glad to see another Birmingham blogger out there!


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